The following information is provided as a reference by the Wyoming Department of Transportation. Traffic volumes included are estimates.

Traffic Volume and Vehicle Miles Book

Annual Average Daily Traffic estimates (AADTs) are derived from three primary sources of data: permanent traffic recorders, portable traffic recorders and Manual traffic classification counts. AADTs are multiplied by road length to calculate Vehicle Miles Traveled.

2023 Vehicle Miles Book - Excel format (data for 1970-2023)

2023 Vehicle Miles Book - PDF Format (data for 2021, 2022 and 2023 only) 


Interactive Transportation System Map

The Interactive Transportation System Map provides traffic count data and other information about the state road system. The map uses GIS technology to allow users to choose from one or more data layers, the last being Traffic Counts. Note: the map currently uses 2021 traffic count data

Annual Automatic Traffic Recorder Report Map



Monthly Automatic Traffic Recorder Reports

A summary of data collected by month at various traffic monitoring sites in Wyoming. 

Past years reports can be found under the "navigate" menu on the top right side of this page.

January, 2025 MONTHLY VOLUME REPORT.pdf (785.64  KB)

Monthly Hourly, Day of the Week Summary

These documents show average daily traffic counts for the day of the week and time of day.

Past years reports can be found under the "navigate" menu on the top right side of this page.