Update on New UW Plate Design Availability
WYDOT will be sending out renewal letters on a quarterly basis depending on when your current specialty plate expires. Those with UW plates will be able to keep their current number, regardless of how high it is. Please wait for your renewal letter with a PIN to go online and order. Early renewal is not an option, even with paper applications.
University of Wyoming Plates

Any person required to register a vehicle in Wyoming may apply for distinctive University of Wyoming license plates. ***Applicants are not required to be an alumnus of the University of Wyoming to apply for this Specialty Plate***
General Provisions
- Order online (preferred) or by mail, the fee is $180 made payable to WYDOT. ($150 fee for UW scholarships or student programming and $30 special plate fee)
- Plates will be issued in consecutive order and forwarded to the County Treasurer's Office.
- Current plates must be surrendered to the treasurer's office upon issuance of the UW Plates.
WYDOT Motor Vehicle Services
5300 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne WY 82009