Air Service Development Program

Program Overview:
The Air Service Development Program plays a crucial and integral role in promoting and developing commercial and general air service in the state. Due to Wyoming’s small population and expansive area, it is no small task to retain, attract, and enhance air service to the state’s communities.
Through the Air Service Enhancement Program (ASEP) we are able to take an active role in promoting and encouraging commercial air service within our state through various sponsorships, and helping our communities financially support critical, new, or existing air service vital to their economic wellbeing.
Wyoming Air Service Facts:
- Total annual economic impacts for commercial airline functions is more than $1 billion
- More than 10,000 jobs are supported by commercial airline functions
- An estimated $46.3 million in annual local and state tax revenues are generated from commercial air service functions
- For every passenger using a commercial airport to board a commercial flight in Wyoming, the state realizes $220 in annual economic impact
- For 2014, Wyoming commercial airports served a record 1.1 million passengers, however, not all of our state's airports shared in that success.
For more information on the impacts commercial air service has in our state, please find our 2013 Economic Impact Study (PDF).
Commercial Air Service in Wyoming is at Risk:
Recent industry changes have made it difficult to retain and grow air service in many of our communities. New rules and regulations, escalating costs, crew shortages, airline consolidation, and aircraft retirements have all contributed to a substantial reduction in regional air service in Wyoming, and across the nation. Airports in Wyoming must compete with other commercial airports for air service, and with limited resources, airlines are continuing to cutback service to smaller communities such as those in Wyoming. Find out more.