WYDOT Administers a wide range of transportation functions

From engineers who design and supervise road construction, to snowplow drivers who keep those roads safe, to troopers who serve and protect highway users, to planners who help communities obtain funding for airport improvements, WYDOT is committed to building a better transportation system for the traveling public.

A majority of WYDOT’s budget and efforts go toward planning, building and maintaining the 6,800 miles of highway that connect Wyoming’s communities and surrounding states. But as a full-service transportation provider, the department has numerous other responsibilities. In addition to coordinating improvements at 40 airports around the state, agency personnel collect fuel taxes and user fees that are used to fund transportation projects; oversee production of license plates for distribution to the county governments; test drivers and issue drivers licenses; enforce traffic laws and regulate commercial vehicle operations. 

WYDOT Executive Staff Members

Overall leadership for WYDOT is provided by a Director and an executive staff team who administer eight organizations: Darin Westby (Director), Taylor Rossetti (Deputy Director and Support Services Administrator), Keith Fulton (Chief Engineer), Dennis Byrne (Chief Financial Officer), Nate Smolinski (Chief Technology Officer), Col. Tim Cameron (Highway Patrol), Brian Olsen (Assistant Chief Engineer for Engineering and Planning) and Mark Ayen (Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations). The position of Aeronautics Administrator is currently vacant. 

Executive Staff profiles