Design Plans for Review
These are design plans and may be used to review the general requirements of upcoming projects. Design plans are not valid for bidding purposes and may undergo substantial changes before they are released for bid letting. Only advertised projects may be used for bidding purposes.
Suggested comments on WYDOT design plans may be e-mailed via "Contact WYDOT". Please include the project number when sending comments. WYDOT personnel will review and consider the comments as the plans are further developed. Any suggested comments may be incorporated at WYDOT's discretion. We do not send responses on comments for design plans. If you need further clarification, or would like to visit with our design team, please feel free to contact WYDOT at (307) 777-4486.
Design plans definitions:
Preliminary Plans - includes existing right of way, utilities and railroad, preliminary information for horizontal alignment, ground profile, grade line, typical sections, section lines, earthwork design with mass haul, proposed interchange or intersection layouts, and locations for possible retaining walls.
Grading Plans - includes the same information as preliminary plans but more refined, with the following additional information: land ties, soils profile, ownerships, surfacing recommendations, cultural sights, wetland delineation, and hydraulics report. Will have preliminary grade line, proposed right of way, borrow sources, approaches, pipe culvert sizes, geology information, proposed detours, structure selection, storm drains. May include preliminary information which did not make it into the preliminary plans.
Right of Way and Engineering Inspection Plans - includes the same information as the grading plans but more refined, with the following additional information: traffic control plan, striping details, bridge title and general notes sheets, structures layout is more defined, and index of proposed special provisions. .
Right of Way and Utility Plans - has all preliminary design features already specified in right of way and engineering inspection plans but will include: draft electrical plans, surfacing source layout, pit and plant site, materials agreements, and finalized structures layout.
Final Design Plans - includes special provisions, final summaries and quantities, detail drawings, 404 permit, categorical exclusions, bridge plans, and railroad structure approval/authorization.
PS&E Plans - compilation of all previous information and in complete form. All information mentioned in the previous plan sets is to be included in these plans prior to advertising the project.
View a list of all currently available design plans.
If you would like to search for specific design plans based on Project Number, County, Plan Set, Construction Type, and/or Construction Year please use the provided search form.