Pine Bluffs Rest Area to close this week for concrete work

The Pine Bluffs Rest Area off Interstate 80 at Exit 401 will temporarily close this week for flooring and concrete work. The closure is scheduled to begin on Tuesday evening, Aug. 27, and continue through Wednesday, Aug. 28. The rest area will reopen as soon as work is complete. Services are available in the town of Pine Bluffs, and the next rest areas are the Summit Rest Area at exit 323 to the west...

New digital message signs/web cameras coming to northwest Wyoming

Installation of 7 new digital message signs/web cameras is under way throughout northwest Wyoming. Prime contractor on the $1.4 million project is Advanced Electric, LLC, of Casper. The new digital message signs/web cameras will be located at: US 14/16/20 (milepost 48.39), about 2 miles west of Cody;  US 26/287 (milepost 8.1), about 8 miles east of Moran Junction near the Blackrock Ranger Station;...

Transportation Commission awards $25 million in highway contracts in August

The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) will reconstruct a section of US 20 near Lusk by moving the road and making it wider. The Wyoming Transportation Commission awarded Simon Contractors, of Cheyenne, a $13 million contract for the US 20 work between Lusk and Van Tassell in Niobrara County. The commission awarded that and eight other projects at its recent meeting. For the US 20 work, crews...

WYDOT reviewing feedback on Sheridan Main Street three-lane configuration

SHERIDAN – The jury is still out on whether the three-lane reconfiguration of the historic downtown section of Main Street will be implemented in the future. Surveys are still being collected via the website. Good constructive feedback has been coming in and is being analyzed as it is submitted. The surveys indicate a bit of confusion about the four foot “buffer” zone between...

Emergency slide repair project begins this week on WYO 296 near Cody

A $363,000 emergency slide repair project started this week on Chief Joseph Scenic Highway (WYO 296), northwest of Cody. Installation of a 10-foot soil nail wall is under way 18.5 miles west of WYO 296's junction with WYO 120, according to Wyoming Department of Transportation maintenance engineer Lyle Lamb of Basin. The slide repairs are occurring at milepost 27.5 on WYO 296, Lamb said. WYDOT maintenance...