- RS05221 - Managing Pavement Friction of Wyoming's Roads Considering Safety
Principal Investigators:
Marwan Hafez, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associagte
Khaled Ksaibati, Ph.D., Director, Wyoming Technology Transfer Center
Ahmed Farid, Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Wyoming
Project Champions
Ethan Crockett, Pavement Management Engineer
Matt Carlson, State Highway Safety Engineer
Project Objective: The main goal of this study is to enhance road safety in Wyoming by integrating a crash risk mitigation approach into the pavement friction management program.
Project Benefits: The findings of this study will aid WYDOT and other transportation agencies in the state to enhance their pavement maintenance programs. Those programs account for the risks of encountering friction-related crashes under various traffic, geometric and environmental conditions. The primary benefits include:
a) Restore safe levels of pavement friction on roads at locations requiring higher friction demands.
b) Enhance driving conditions of vehicles, especially heavy trucks, on Wyoming’s highways during high precipitation rates.
c) Reduce fatalities and injuries of skid-related roadway departure and rear-end crashes in Wyoming.
d) Support WYDOT and other agencies in the state with a skid resistance policy that maximizes the benefits of friction surface treatments within defined budgets and resources.
Completion Date: October 5, 2023
Cost Estimate: $154,025
Data Management Plan
- RS04219 (TPF-5(393)- Pooled Fund for the Design, Development, and Testing of a Box Beam Approach Guardrail Transition and an MGS Approach Guardrail Transition to a MASH TL-4 Three Steel Tube Bridge Rail.
Principal Investigator:
Roger Bligh Ph.D, P.E., Senior Research Engineer, and Program Manager
Project Champion:
Bill Wilson, P.E. Standards Engineer WYDOT
Study Objective: The Objective of this study is to develop two non-proprietary approach guardrail transition systems from box beam and MGS guardrail that are MASH Test Level 3 (TL-3) complaint.
Study Benefit: This research will develop safe connections from both guardrail systems smoothly transitioning the stiffness of the approach guardrails to the stiffness of the bridge rail and limits vehicle snagging when impacted.
Completion Date: Extended to December 14, 2023.
Cost Estimate: $695,576
Data Management Plan
- RS07221 - Integrating Human Behavior Toward the Development of Safer Cooperative Automated Transportation: Implementation of SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study
Principal Investigators:
Mohamed Ahmed, P.E., MASCE, Associate Professor, University of Wyoming
MD Nasim Khan, Ph.D. Candidate
Anik Das, Ph.D. Candidate
University of Wyoming
Project Champion
Vince Garcia, WYDOT GIS/ITS Program Manager
Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) implementation on the roadways is generating new challenges for transportation practitioners and policymakers. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the impacts of CAT on highways is extremely essential to the DOTs, including WYDOT, especially at the early stage of CAT implementation where human-driven vehicles (HV) will interact with CAT. This interaction might increase crash risks and create unsafe scenarios, which may potentially surpass the safety benefits of CAT due to the fact that driving pattern and performance of CAT-equipped vehicles are not similar to HV. The proposed research will concentrate on utilizing the SHRP2 NDS data to understand the complex nature of human behavior, incorporate the behavior for the development of Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) and investigate the CAT capacity at different levels of Market Penetration Rates (MPR).
Completion Date December 31, 2023
Cost Estimate $177,917
Data Management Plan
- RS04221 - Rapid Safety Assessment Tool for Non-Conventional Roadway Design and Emerging Technologies: Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application
Principal Investigator:
Mohamed Ahmed, Associatge Professor
Sherif Gaweesh, Postdoctoral Associate
University of Wyoming
Lsaramie WY
Project Champion
Matt Carlson, State Highway Safety Engineer
Study Objective: This research proposes a proactive road safety assessment for non-conventional designs and emerging technologies in Wyoming utilizing traffic conflict analysis. Furthermore, the innovative assessment methodologies will provide detailed observation and analysis of driving behavior, trajectory interpretation, and conflict measures.
Study Benefits: This study proposes developing a new tool to assess the safety performance of intersections in Wyoming and suggesting potential countermeasures to improve their safety and operations.
Completion Date: December 31, 2023
Cost Estimate: $175,115
Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan
- RS06221 - Developing Pavement Marking Management Plans for Accomodating Advanced Vehicle Technologies in Wyoming
Principal Investigator
Khaled Ksaibati, Ph.D., Director, Wyoming Technology Transfer Center
Ahmed Farid, University of Wyoming
Project Champion
Jeffrey Mellor, Assistant State Traffic Engineer
Study Objective: The objectives of this study are to develop strategic long-term pavement marking management plans for Wyoming. Specifically, five-and ten-year plans will be developed considering multiple scenarios having various budget levels. The plans will be developed considering road functional classifications, land uses and traffic volumes, which are all factors that influence the frequency of pavement marking maintenance activities.
Study Benefits: This study’s tasks involve developing viable pavement marking management plans, taking into consideration NCUTCD’s recommended pavement marking specifications that accommodate machine vision systems, for WYDOT. Essential preliminary steps will be carried out as well.
Completion Date March 12, 2024
Cost Estimate $115,582
Data Management Plan
- RS08221. Develolping a Collision Warning and Collision Avoidance System for WYDOT Snowplows
Principal Investigators
Muhammad Tahmidul Hag, Ph.D, P.E., Postdoctoral Research Associate
Suresh Mukhahallipatna, Ph.D, Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Khaled Ksabati, Ph.D, P.E., Director, Wyoming Technology Transfer Center, University of Wyoming
Project Champion
Clifford Spoonemore, WYDOT Winter Research Services
Project Objectives
The main goal of this study is to develop a collision warning and collision avoidance system for WYDOT snowplow trucks and other maintenance vehicles, to maximize the capability of preventing crashes, and to minimize the severity of crashes. In support of this broader goals, the study is aimed to fulfill the following objectives:
- Develop a rear-end collision warning and collision avoidance system using multiple sensors based on the outcomes from an extensive safety analysis, simulation models, and the responses from surveys.
- Evaluate the performance of color and type of warning lights in reducing crashes involving snowplows and other maintenance vehicles.
- Test the performance and effectiveness of a prototype using WYDOT’s winter maintenance truck equipped with the technology and proposed warning lights.
- Perform a benefit-cost analysis of the proposed collision warning and collision avoidance system before the full-blown implementation of the final products.
- Develop a guideline on how the subset of multiple sensors with warning lights from the proposed warning system can be transferred and employed in other slow-moving WYDOT maintenance vehicles to reduce the potential risk of rear-end collisions.
Completion Date: June 15, 2021
Cost Estimate: $170,046
Data Management Plan
- RS03222. Wyoming Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
Principal Investigators
Muhammad Tahmidul Haq, Ph.D., P.E., Postdoctoral Research Associate
Omar Albatayneh, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Wyoming
Project Champions
Greg Milburn, State Materials Engineer
Michael Menghini, State Bridge Engineer
Project Objectives
The project will only consider pavement and bridge assets to investigate the supportive techniques of central funding allocation and district practices at the network level. To achieve this, the study is aimed to fulfill the following objectives:
- Investigate the current experiences of TAMP among state DOTs in terms of best practices, strategies, goals, and decision making.
- Propose supportive techniques to WYDOT’s asset management programs to identify the best project portfolios of pavement and bridge assets considering the overall economic and social impacts in addition to the federal requirements.
- Define the utility of investing in both pavement and bridge assets to optimize the funding plans.
- Evaluate the historical funding distributions among pavement and bridge assets.
- Establish the tradeoff methodologies of funding allocation and funding transfer among the pavement and bridge assets when additional funding is available to invest.
- Investigate the trade-off practices of pavement funding scenarios among the different roadway categories, including interstates, NHS, and non-NHS, to benefit both resident and out-of-state vehicular traffic.
- Provide beneficial guidelines to Wyoming asset management systems considering best practices of district decision making.
- Study how current practices can be enhanced to increase the value of spending decisions on the transportation assets.
Completion Date: March 14, 2025
Cost Estimate: $179,877
Data Management Plan
- RS02222. Utilization of Transportation Structures by Bats in Wyoming
Principal Investigators
Dr. Riley Fehr Bernard, University of Wyoming
Heather O'Brien, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Lrura Beard, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Project Champions
R. Scott Gamo, Environmenal Serfices Manager
Jeff Booher, Assistant State Bridge Engineer Design
Project Objectives
The purpose of this study is to collect bat use data on bridges to aid WYDOT and agency partners in determining what bridge types are attractive to bats and to develop means of mitigation to minimize impacts to bridge maintenance and reconstruction timelines. Data collected during this study will be used to identify bridges and bridge types utilized by bats across Wyoming. This will provide highway engineers and wildlife managers with the information necessary to conduct bridge maintenance and reconstruction activities that minimize disturbance to bats as well as minimize the need to alter construction schedules. The study will also provide valuable information on the contribution bridge structure, provide to maternity roosts for bats and general use by bats of bridges. Finally, this study will enable researchers to work closely with WYDOT engineers to identify and test mitigation measures that can be used to minimize take (i.e., acoustic deterrents, netting, eviction devices).
Completion Date: March 14, 2025
Cost Estimate: $34,539
Data Management Plan
- RS02223 - Developing Tools to Mitigate the Impact to Design Errors and Omissions
Principal Investigator
Ahmed Abdelaty, University of Wyoming
Daniel D'Angelo, Applied Research Associates
Project Champion
Christina Spindler, WYDOT
The project has three main objectives:
1. Evaluate the impact of design errors and omissions, and rework on schedule delays and project costs.
2. Develop implementable DQC tools to minimize the negative impacts of design errors and omissions and rework.
3. Develop or improve policy and procedures documents to handle deisn errors.
Completion Date: July 19, 2025
Cost Estimate: $167,251
Data Management Plan
- RS03223 Construction Cost Inflation Model
Principal Investigator
Nick Colsch, Laramie County Community College
Project Champtions
Ethan Crockett, Pavement Managemertn and Research Engineer
Chris Pivik, Assistant State Contracts and Estimates Engineer
This project is set up to gain a better understanding of construction cost inflation estimates; to gather PPI data for the nin areas used in HCCIs; to build and inflation model using the nine HCCI areas PPIs, and labor cost data; and to update information used in the model.
Completion Date: August 3, 2025
Cost Estimate: $26,595
Data Management:
- RS02221 - Reducting Shrinkage in Concrete Bridge Decks using Single and Doubl Ring Test Methods
Principal Investigator
Jennifer Tanner, Associate Professor
University of Wyoming
Laramie WY
Project Champions
Greg Milburn, State Materials Engineer
Ethan Crockett, Research Engineer
Whitney Wise, Materials Engineer
Study Objective: This proposal evaluates critical factors relating to early age shrinkage and proposes combining multiple methods to reduce this factor that contributes to early degradation. While cost effective solutions exist, they are evaluated under laboratory conditions and do not consider the effects of temperature or humidity on curing environments. This project combines testing under laboratory conditions as well as conditions similar to the extremes that exist during field curing.
Study Benefits: The benefits of this proposal are as follows:
a) Evaluate the effects of single methods to mitigate shrinkage;
b) Quantify the beneficial effects of multiple methods to mitigate shrinkage;
c) Propose solutions for WYDOT using standard mix designs for two types of aggregates; and
d) Provide guidance on the use of internal curing for concrete mix designs.
Completion Date: August 31, 2025
Cost Estimate: $121,300
- RS06223 - Development and Evaluation of Box-Beam Barrier Configuration for Shielding Fixed Objects and Bridge Ends in Medians
Principle Investigator
Brandon Perry
Project Champion
Bill Wilson
Study Objective: The objective of this research effort is to develop, crash test, and evaluate the WYDOT narrow-median box-beam guardrail system according to the TL-3 safety performance criteria found in MASH. The outcome of this study will be a flared, minimal-length, cost-effective, narrow-median box-beam guardrail system. Further, it will help encourage and support innovation. Research detailed herein will require the integration of four different roadside safety devices into a single, crashworthy system.
Study Benefits: The successful testing and evaluation of the WYDOT narrow-median box-beam guardrail would provide Wyoming and other state DOTs with a MASH-tested option for shielding hazards in narrow medians. Completion of research efforts detailed herein will provide a minimal-length, cost-effective, narrow-median box-beam guardrail system that will reduce frequency of impacts and increase occupant safety. Once all reports have been finalized and distributed, WYDOT can integrate system drawings into box-beam guardrail standards plans.
Completion Data: November 14, 2026
Cost Estimate: $799,998
- RS04223 - Deterring Wildlife Use of Road Right-of-Ways in Wyoming
Principle Investigator:
Joshua J. Millspaugh
University of Montana
Missoula MT
Project Champion:
R. Scott Gamo, Environmental Services Manager
Tom Hart, Wildlife Specialist
Study Objective: Our objectives are to evaluate the effectiveness of several ROW mitigation approaches to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve highway safety. These include vegetation management, fence-type, existing wildlife crossings, and features that could influence their efficacy such as road shoulder width, landscape conditions around sites, and other features.
Study Benefit: This study will provide WYDOT and its partners with an evaluation of potential wildlife-vehicle mitigations that can be applied to ROW management to improve highway safety and reduce wildlife mortalities. This study may also identify cost effective alternatives to mitigate wildlife-vehicle collision areas.
Completion Date: November 21, 2026
Cost Estimate: $301,514
RS07224. Developing a Prototype System for Measuring Intersection Sight Distances