Interchange studies – These studies are required by the Federal Highway Administration when WYDOT considers adding, moving, modifying an interchange system. They answer questions pertaining to safety, need, planning and other issues.
Transportation plans – This section contains the latest transportation planning documents. One of the newest reports in PDF form is the I-80 Tolling Feasibility Final Report.
Research reports – The WYDOT Research Center is constantly seeking and producing research geared to improve Wyoming's transportation system and the quality of our services to the people of Wyoming. The Center also provides an avenue for multi-disciplinary support from universities and University Transportation Centers to meet the practical and academic needs of the transportation industry in such areas as engineering, law, business, basic sciences, planning and environmental studies. In these and other ways the Research Center is leading the way in the preservation and improvement of Wyoming's transportation system. Information on the Research Center, research projects and/or research reports, can be found at: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/planning_projects/research-center.default.html
I-80 Tolling study – This section contains information on the I-80 Tolling study. This includes the tolling study meeting schedule, frequently asked questions and the feasibility report.
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