Fiscal Year 2026 Applications
Applications for the fiscal year 2026 will be available March 1, 2025, and are due April 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. MST.
Each year, the Local Government Coordination staff solicits applications for transit funding. This funding is apportioned on a yearly basis for the fiscal year starting on Oct. 1 and ending on Sept. 30.
***All applications for federal and/or state transit funding will be administered through WYDOT's BlackCat Grant Management database. Current agencies enrolled in the WYDOT Transportation program should go directly into the BlackCat Grant Management System database and fill out their FY applications. Any new agency applying for funding should contact the WYDOT Local Government Transit staff for assistance:
Office of Local Government Coordination
Transit Program – Planning Building, Room #210
5300 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne, WY 82009-3340
Documents required for complete applications: Organization Overview, Agency Contacts update, Authorizing Resolution, Internal Review Questionnaire, Registration, Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing, Certification of BlackCat Information, Vehicle Inventory update, signed Certifications and Assurances, Drug and Alcohol and Procurement Policies, Vehicle Maintenance and Facility Maintenance Plans, Drug and Alcohol Testing Facility Certifications, a Five-Year Lookahead, a Financial Plan, Public Outreach Notice and new this year is the Lobbying Certification and the Certificate of Equivalent Service – this certificate is required to be completed by agencies that currently have Non-ADA vehicles or are interested in purchasing a Non-ADA vehicle. If you have any questions regarding any of the requirements, please contact your District Representative, or the Office of Local Government Coordination.