Contact Information

Mark Wingate, PE
State Planning Engineer
(307) 777-4180

Sara Janes
Local Government Coordinator
(307) 777-4438

Cole Bostron
Local Programs Coordinator
(307) 777-4458

Transportation Alternatives Information

The Statement of Intent (SOI) for FY2026 Transportation Alternatives Programs (TAP) funding will soon be open and will be able to be accessed through the link below:

FY2026 Statement of Intent

FY2026 Transportation Alternatives Program Call for Projects

FY2026 Transportation Alternatives Program Application Priorities

The SOI will be open from Saturday, March 1, 2025, through Tuesday, April 15, 2025. The purpose of the SOI is to provide general information about the project you intend to apply for.  Submitting an SOI does not commit you to apply for a project.

Please note the following important information:

 - If you are considering submitting an application, you MUST submit an SOI. Applications will ONLY be made available to entities that submit an SOI. 

 - Local match remains 9.51%

 - LPAs may apply for one eleigible project during the application period following the site visit. However, LPAs may submot SOIs for more than one project to discuss with WYDOT during the site visit. 

 - You MUST have an individual employed by your agency who has completed the Local Public Agency (LPA) Certification prior to submitting your application. The next available LPA Certification and registration can be found at the link below.

LPA Certification Registration

The Office of Local Government Coordination (LGC) will be conducting site visits at the end of April and through the month of May. We will contact you to set up a date and time for the visit after the SOI closing date. All site visits will be scheduled for 90 minutes in order to view the project as well as cover administrative matters.

Please contact the Local Programs Coordinator at (307) 777-4862 with any questions regarding Transportation Alternatives funding.


Transportation Alternatives Program

Transportation Alternatives (TA) are federally funded, community-based projects that expand travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by integrating modes and improving the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure. TA projects must be one of 10 eligible activities and must relate to surface transportation.

For example, projects can include the creation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, streetscape improvements, refurbishment of historic transportation facilities, and other investments that enhance communities, connections, and access. The federal government provides funding for TA projects through our nation's Federal-aid highway transportation legislation.

In order to be eligible as a Transportation Alternatives project, the project must be in one of the 10 categories listed below and show a clear link to transportation. 
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities - Sidewalks, walkways or curb ramps; bike lane striping, wide paved shoulders, bike parking and bus racks; traffic calming; off-road trails; bike and pedestrian bridges and underpasses; ADA compliance. 
  • Safe Routes for Non-Drivers: Access and accommodation for children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities.
  • Conversion of Abandoned Railway Corridors to Trails: Acquisition of railroad rights-of-way; planning, design and construction of multiuse trails and rail-with-trail projects.
  • Scenic Turnouts and Overlooks: Construction of scenic turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas.
  • Outdoor Advertising Management: Billboard inventories and removal of illegal and nonconforming billboards. Inventory control may include, but not be limited to, data collection, acquisition and maintenance of digital aerial photography, video logging, scanning and imaging of data, developing and maintaining an inventory and control database, and hiring of outside legal counsel.
  • Historic Preservation & Rehab of Historic Transportation Facilities: Preservation of buildings and facades in historic districts; restoration of historic buildings for transportation-related purposes; access improvements to historic sites. Restoration of railroad depots, bus stations and lighthouses; rehabilitation of rail trestles, tunnels, bridges and canals.
  • Vegetation Management: Improvement of roadway safety; prevention of invasive species; providing erosion control.
  • Archaeological Activities: projects related to impacts from implementation of highway construction projects.
  • Stormwater Mitigation: Pollution prevention and abatement activities to address stormwater management; water pollution prevention related to highway construction or due to highway runoff. 
  • Wildlife Management: Reduction of vehicle-caused wildlife mortality; restoration and maintenance of connectivity among terrestrial or aquatic habitats.
Application and Funding Information

The Transportation Alternatives program is a competitive application program that is allocated about $4.6 million annually for distribution throughout the state. 

Applications are compiled by the Local Government Coordination (LGC) Office and reviewed by an Advisory Selection Committee. The committee is appointed by the Wyoming Transportation Commission and is currently comprised of members nominated by the following entities:

  • The Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM);
  • The Wyoming County Commissioners Association (WCCA);
  • The Wyoming Department of Education (WDE);
  • The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH);
  • The Wyoming Business Council (WBC);
  • The Director of the Wyoming Department of Transportation; 
  • Federal agencies (Federal Highway Administration - FHWA).

The Advisory Selection Committee makes project recommendations to the Wyoming Transportation Commission for project approval.  Projects selected for funding are eligible for reimbursement of expenses on a Federal Share basis of 90.49 / 9.51