Commercial air service improvement council to meet in Riverton

July 6, 2018

The Wyoming Commercial Air Service Improvement Council will meet July 12 in Riverton.

The Council will attend a community outreach breakfast sponsored by the Fremont Air Service Team at 7 a.m. before convening at 8:30 a.m. The council will continue its work on a long-term, statewide commercial air service plan during the meeting.

The meeting will be held in the Intertribal Education & Community Center at Central Wyoming College, 2660 Peck Ave., Room 125.

All meetings are open to the public.

A conference call line has been reserved for those unable to attend the council meeting in person. Call 1-888-531-9486. Please keep your phone on mute unless you are speaking.

The council is responsible for submitting a commercial air service improvement plan for the governor’s approval by Aug. 1. The plan will also be submitted to the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim and Joint Appropriations Committees.

For more information about the meeting agenda or materials, please contact Katie Pfister (307) 777-4015.

The next meeting will be held Sept. 11 in Rock Springs.