Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ELD Compliance Reminder

April 6, 2018

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ELD Compliance Reminder

Beginning April 1, 2018, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in coordination with each state, will begin enforcing ELD requirements (except for certain agricultural operations).

Typically violations of federal law will count against the carrier's Safety Measurement System scores and a non-compliant driver would typically remain out-of-service for 10 hours. However, as this is a new requirement, the driver in possession of a paper log will be allowed to travel, but will not be dispatched again without an ELD.  If the driver is dispatched again without an ELD, the motor carrier and driver will be subject to further enforcement action.

There have been specific concerns regarding the transportation of agricultural commodities, especially the transportation of livestock. FMCSA feels it is important to take additional time for this industry to come into compliance and therefore will be issuing an additional compliance waiver through September 30, 2018 from the ELD requirements for agricultural/livestock haulers.  Motor carriers operating under this waiver must have a "satisfactory" safety rating from FMCSA. Motor carriers with "conditional" or "unsatisfactory" ratings are prohibited from taking advantage of the waiver.  The agency will continue its extensive outreach efforts with the agricultural community to provide clarity on all regulatory requirements, including the agricultural exemptions and Federal ELD requirements.

The Wyoming Highway Patrol will adhere to FMCSA enforcement requirements beginning on Sunday, April 1, 2018. 

This will include:

  • Placing non-compliant commercial driver out-of-service
    (Except for the transportation of agricultural commodities or livestock)
  • WHP Troopers and Port of Entry Officers will continue to prioritize education and awareness but may exercise enforcement with repeat offenders and violations
  •  This federal requirement does not apply to certain agricultural/livestock haulers.

Learn more about the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ELD compliance reminder