Pavement preservation project under way west of Riverton near Bull Lake

May 8, 2024

Milling of existing asphalt pavement is nearly complete on the $2.26 million Bull Lake pavement preservation project on U.S. Highway 26/287 west of Riverton.

The 4.5-mile project includes milling, a pavement overlay, chip sealing and reclaimed asphalt pavement shoulder widening.

"Project paving is scheduled to begin next week, weather permitting, just east of the Diversion Dam Rest Area (milepost 97.19), and it will continue west to milepost 92.65. Diversion Dam Rest Area is located at milepost 96.38," said Wyoming Department of Transportation project engineer Douglas Etsinger of Riverton.

McGarvin-Moberly Construction Co., of Worland is the prime contractor. The Wyoming Transportation Commission awarded the Bull Lake contract to McGarvin-Moberly on Nov. 16, 2023. Contract completion date is June 6, 2025.

Paving of approaches, chip sealing, shoulder work, placement of delineator posts and other work is scheduled to be completed after mainline paving on U.S. 26/287.

"Motorists should expect 20-minute traffic delays with stopped conditions and a milled driving surface," Etsinger said.

Project questions may be directed to WYDOT Resident Engineer Robert Scheidemantel, P.E., at (307) 856-1341.
milling US26-287 2 5-8-2024.JPG
WYDOT Photo: Pavement milling activities from May 8, 2024.