Jackson, Wyo. – The Wyoming Department of Transportation and contract crews from Ames Construction, Inc., will begin extracting gravel and clearing trees in preparation for the work that will take place over the next two seasons for the replacement of the Snake River Bridge on WYO 22 in Teton County this week.
The gravel work in the river will force the closure of the southwest informal lot around the bridge, which has been utilized as a parking area for those wishing to access the levy area. The informal parking area will no longer be available, but a new pedestrian access from the boat ramp and under the new bridge to the levy will be available upon completion of the work.
Crews will also be clearing trees around the southwest corner of the bridge and the southern side of WYO 22 as far west as Green Lane.
Drivers will see minimal impacts to traffic for this work. Crews will do their best to accommodate the flow of traffic, but those traveling through the area are advised to watch for flaggers and trucks entering and exiting the levy area.
“The new bridge will be built in stages--with the first stage just south of the existing bridge while traffic uses the existing bridge. Once the first stage is complete, traffic will be put on it and the old bridge removed to make room for the second stage of the new bridge. The two parts will be tied together in the end. This first stage is right where the informal parking has occurred so that parking will no longer be available,” resident engineer Bob Hammond said.
The work is part of the Snake River Bridge and Intersection project, which was awarded in November of 2022. The work includes the replacement of the Snake River Bridge on WYO 22, the reconstruction of the intersection of WYO 22 and WYO 390, wildlife crossings and other work on approximately1.80 miles of WYO 22 & WYO 390 in Teton County. More information about the project is available at www.dot.state.wy.us/snakeriver. The completion date for this project in June 30, 2025.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to slow down in work zones, be alert and cautious of roadside workers and obey all traffic control devices. For more information on road construction, closures and weather conditions, please visit http://www.wyoroad.info.