Despite afternoon thunderstorms and some hail, fog sealing of highway shoulders is happening in Fremont County.
Fog sealing will be complete today, if weather cooperates, on US 287/WY789 and WYO 132 (Blue Sky Highway).
Fog sealing of highway shoulders is rescheduled for tomorrow on WYO 131 (Sinks Canyon Road).
Fog sealing uses quick-drying oil to seal highway shoulders, and is part of the Wyoming Department of Transportation's summer chip-sealing maintenance program.
"We're asking people to avoid driving, running or bicycling on the fog-sealed highway shoulders for 24 hours," said WYDOT fog sealing foreman Tyd Erickson of Meeteetse. "All work is dependent upon favorable weather.."
"These roadways will be chip-sealed later this summer," Erickson said.
WYDOT's summer chip-sealing work, which includes fog sealing, is one of the most cost-effective ways used to maintain highways in Wyoming.
For information about WYDOT's work, contact WYDOT public relations specialist Cody Beers at (307) 431-1803.