The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) has opened WYO 22, Teton Pass as of 2:10 p.m. The road was closed earlier today due to road damage. Crews were notified that the road had faulted, creating a large crack across both lanes of travel. The cracks across the lanes were as deep as 8 inches in some places, causing unsafe driving conditions.
Maintenance has temporarily patched the area to allow traffic, but the area continues to be under observation until a more permanent solution can be implemented. More severe areas will be restricted by traffic control barrels. WYDOT’s geology department is investigating the cause and will be monitoring the area. WYDOT will close the roadway if driving conditions become unsafe for travel, but will continue to prioritize keeping the pass open to traffic.
WYDOT asks that drivers be aware of the temporary patching at milepost 12.8. Motorists should reduce their speed and drive cautiously through the area, as the temporary repairs have caused bumps and dips in the lanes of travel. More planning is underway for long term repairs.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to remember to obey all roadside signs, traffic control devices and closures. To receive alerts on this and other road conditions and closures, drivers can sign up for 511 Notify alerts at