WYDOT adds new truck warning sign on WYO 230

August 1, 2019

WYO-230-sign.jpgLARAMIE, Wyo. – The Wyoming Department of Transportation has installed a new truck warning sign on WYO 230 west of Woods Landing to further warn truckers of the steep descent and sharp curves from the top of the Woods Creek canyon to Woods Landing.

WYDOT crews installed the sign on July 23. It is in addition to new chevron signs that will be added to curves on WYO 230 later this summer as part of a statewide project.

“The new truck warning sign with permanent orange flags is designed to grab drivers’ attention about upcoming hazards in the canyon,” District Traffic Engineer Randy Griesbach said. 

Over the last few months, two tractor trailers have crashed coming down Woods Creek canyon. Local residents have expressed concern about the speed and manner that commercial vehicles have been traveling through the area.

In June, WYDOT district representatives and the Wyoming Highway Patrol met with residents and local clean water groups in Woods Landing about the issue.

The new sign at the top of the canyon is a product of that meeting.

“We encourage the public to share their concerns with us,” District Engineer Tom DeHoff said. “We will always take public comment into consideration and, if warranted by data, make changes to our highway system.”

The Wyoming Highway Patrol has also increased enforcement on WYO 230 and is planning further commercial vehicle enforcement on that corridor.

For information about this news release, contact WYDOT District 1 public information specialist Matt Murphy at (307) 745-2142.