WYDOT Driver Services Office in Laramie closes

June 29, 2020

The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) has closed the Driver Services Office in Laramie on Monday, June 29 due to an employee testing positive for COVID-19 and to deep clean the office. 

The office will be closed for the rest of the day today. WYDOT officials are working to reopen the office as quickly and safely as possible. Reopening also may be dependent upon staff availability. The other examiners in Laramie are currently being tested for coronavirus.

“I’m grateful for the timely response from our Employee Safety Office and the cleaning contractor for getting the office in Laramie ready for reopening,” said WYDOT Director K. Luke Reiner. “We are working to ensure our employees and our customers are safe.”

Cleaning crews are doing an in-depth cleaning of the building, which should be completed today. Reiner said he appreciates the employee’s quick action to get tested to ensure the safety of everyone. 

“We are also grateful for the employee who recognized their situation, quickly got tested and notified their supervisor,” Reiner said. “Our continued prayers are with that employee who tested positive and their family for a speedy recovery.”

The Wyoming Department of Health is working with WYDOT to contact those who may have been exposed to the examiner. Officials have asked WYDOT for a list of the people the employee came into contact during road tests on Thursday and Friday before the examiner started showing symptoms so they can follow up with those individuals. 

WYDOT’s Driver Services offices throughout the state have implemented safety and cleaning protocols since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Driver Services employees wipe down their stations with cleaners after each transaction and have plexiglass barriers at their desks to provide separation between themselves and the customers.

Additionally, examiners wipe down the vehicles used for road testing and also wear masks and require all applicants to wear masks as well.

Customers who need to conduct business at Driver Services are asked to visit a nearby office. For the locations, visit WYDOT's Driver Services webpage

For more information about COVID-19 and Wyoming, visit the Wyoming Department of Health’s website.

For additional information about this news release, contact:

  • Doug McGee, WYDOT Public Affairs Officer, at doug.mcgee@wyo.gov or (307) 777-4010
  • Aimee Inama, senior Public Affairs specialist, at aimee.inama2@wyo.gov or (307) 777-4013
  • Kim Deti, Wyoming Department of Health Public Information Officer, at kim.deti@wyo.gov or (307) 631-2601