WYDOT reopens alpine passes ahead of schedule

May 24, 2018

Alpine Passes Open EarlyWyoming Department of Transportation crews reopened all of the state’s alpine highways weeks ahead of schedule.

WYDOT crews reopened WYO 130 (Snowy Range) and WYO 70 (Battle Pass) on Monday, May 21, and US 14A (between Lovell and Burgess Junction) on Tuesday, May 22.

WYO 130 typically reopens on Memorial Day weekend, while WYO 70 reopens in early June. US 14A reopens toward the end of May.

“Our maintenance and equipment crews worked hard to reopen those passes several weeks early,” said Gregg Fredrick, WYDOT chief engineer. “We commend the work and effort they put into reopening those high-elevation passes. They are dedicated and committed individuals who worked to ensure the start of the summer traveling season gets off on the right foot for our residents as well as our out-of-state visitors.”

Crews in the north encountered deep snow from a wet winter. The south had less snow, but crews battled thick ice and the effects of recent beetle kill mitigation.

“With the tree removal last year, we have snow in places that we’ve never had it before,” said Al Branscom, maintenance foreman in Laramie, of the southern passes. “And places we normally have snow we didn’t have any. But we had a thick layer of ice where the snow was fairly deep from the freeze and thaw cycle we had over the winter.”

Although the roads are now open, WYDOT may have to close them again if the area gets a spring storm. Runoff from the existing snow in the area and wet colder nights could cause icy patches to develop on the roads. Motorists are asked to use caution when traveling.

The roads close annually in late autumn when low traffic and deep snow make plowing operations impractical.

The following historical data shows when the passes have reopened since 2012:

  • WYO 130 usually reopens around Memorial Day weekend. WYDOT reopened it on May 25 in 2017 and 2016, May 22 in 2015, May 24 in 2014, May 23 in 2013 and May 15 in 2012.
  • WYO 70 typically reopens in early June. WYDOT reopened it on June 1 in 2017, June 9 in 2016, May 27 in 2015, June 3 in 2014, May 24 in 2013 and May 15 in 2012.
  • US 14A reopens toward the end of May. WYDOT reopened it on May 25 in 2017, May 20 in 2016, May 18 in 2015, May 22 in 2014, May 21 in 2013 and May 16 in 2012.

For additional information about this news release, contact Aimee Inama, senior Public Affairs specialist, at (307) 777-4013.