The Wyoming Transportation Commission will meet via video conference Nov. 18 and 19. The commission will meet at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, to hear the results of WYDOT’s Transportation Needs Study. Dye Management Group Inc., the consultant that prepared the study, will present its findings.
Immediately following the Transportation Needs Study presentation (approximately 4 p.m.), WYDOT Director Luke Reiner will brief the commission about the proposed Road Usage Charge (RUC).
The commission will meet for its regular business meeting at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 19. The purpose of the meeting is to address and vote upon, when appropriate, the topics on the attached meeting agenda.
For more information about these meetings, please contact the Transportation Commission secretary at (307) 777-4007 or by email. To join the Transportation Needs Study presentation, the RUC briefing, or the virtual business meeting, or to view the meeting materials, visit the Transportation Commission webpage and click on the corresponding hyperlink.