All Contractors wanting to bid highway construction or bridge contracts with WYDOT
Bidding is fully electronic in the iCX system. Information for new companies to be set up in it is available at this link.
To be able to bid on roadway projects as a prime contractor in Wyoming your company must be prequalified. Information on prequalification and who to contact with questions and issues for prequalification is available at this link.
For all questions or issues with bidding and electronic signatures in the system, please contact the Contracts & Estimates office.
Tim Bennett
Office number: 307-777-4147
Sabrina Ernst
Office number: 307-777-4214
Contracts & Estimates
Office number: 307-777-4487
Mobile number: 307-630-4727 (business hours and after/before hours 24 hours before lettings)
Projects only available for viewing and downloading
We now have the plans, proposals, cross-sections available for viewing on our website or for a small fee you will be able to download the information to your computer via QuestCDN this will show the projects for each month.