FAQs: NEVI program applicants
Q: How will WYDOT administer NEVI funding?
A: WYDOT will issue a Request for Proposal to solicit bids for EV charging station along key zones along Interstates 25, 80 and 90. That RFP should be coming soon, check back for updates!
Q: How much funding can I ask for under NEVI?
A: The program will pay up to 80 percent federal cost share of the eligible costs, up to a maximum of $800,000 in federal dollars per NEVI site, which includes operations and maintenance. The minimum required match is 20 percent from non-federal sources.To see eligible costs, check out the NEVI rules linked on our webpage.
Q: Do NEVI-funded EV charging sites have to be located along an interstate?
A: WYDOT and FHWA have designated I-80, I-25, and I-90 as the state’s Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). The NEVI Program requires that DCFC stations to be located within one drive-mile and the stations to be spaced no more than 50 miles apart in order to reach "build out" status. Potential sites located more than 1 mile from an interstate are not yet eligible for NEVI funding and applications will not be considered. Once the AFCs are certified built out by the Federal Highway Administration, NEVI funds could be used in other locations. Keep an eye out for other grant opportunities on our website.
Q: I am located on an AFC but your NEVI Plan does not include a station in my city/town. Can I still apply for funding?
A: Yes! Although previous NEVI plans have indicated specific towns for the first round of funding, WYDOT is expecting to open up the entire AFC for NEVI funding with the upcoming RFP, with some stipulations to ensure stations remain no more than 50 miles apart from each other. Keep an eye out for updates!
Q: Do Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements apply to the NEVI Program?
A: Yes, BABA requirements apply to the obligation of NEVI Formula Program funds. On February 21, 2023, the Federal Highway Administration published a Federal Register notice that released the BABA implementation plan for EV charging equipment involving Title 23 funds, providing a transition period for companies to onshore their supply chains. The plan was effective starting on March 23, 2023. FHWA will begin phasing out waivers in July 2024. More information can be found here.
Q: Can NEVI funds be used to install power service to the charging site and other on-site electrical equipment that is necessary to provide power?
A: Yes, Costs to acquire and install on-site electric service equipment (e.g., power meter, transformer, switch gear) are eligible. Costs for minor grid upgrades are also eligible, provided the work is necessitated solely by the construction or upgrading of the EV charging station and participation in the upgrade does not exceed the allocable cost of the minimum upgrades needed to match the planned power requirements of the EV charging station.
Q: Can I still apply for NEVI funding if I don’t have the skills needed to build an EV charging site?
A: Yes, the program has developed an online NEVI Database to facilitate teaming between site host, utility, equipment vendors, or EVSE manufacturers. There is no restriction on teaming. Applicants can create project teams that provide the necessary resources, services, and certifications to address all requirements included in the RFP. You do not have to join the database to be eligible to submit for the RFP. You can see database entries here.
Q: How can I identify potential partners for this process?
A: If you are a potential EV charging site host, equipment manufacturer, charging services provider, electrical contractor, utility, or provider of other services and would like to be included in the NEVI database please click here. You can see database entries here. For additional planning resources, click here.
Q: How can I be notified that the application is live?
A: Please call 307-777-4381 to sign up for our EV stakeholder email list, where you'll receive email updates about the Wyoming NEVI Program