Update: Embossed Plate Availability

Embossed license plate applications are delayed but are expected to be available again in the fall of 2025.

Any person required to register a vehicle in Wyoming may apply to WYDOT for embossed license plates for any vehicle owned or leased by the applicant.

  • These license plates may take 10-12 weeks for processing.
  • The fee to emboss your license plate is $50.
  • A copy of your registration and the $50 fee must accompany the application or it will be returned.
  • Your plate will be delivered to the county treasurer's office in which the vehicle is registered. For any new Prestige Plate orders in which the vehicle is registered in a county other than the owner's home county, the plates will be sent to the county treasurer's office of the county in which the applicant made the request. After that first year, the vehicle owner can then renew their Prestige Plates in their home county.

Order online or mail a hard copy application to the address below.

WYDOT Motor Vehicle Services
5300 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne WY  82009
(307) 777-4709


Embossed Plate Application

Coming fall of 2025!