Important Specialty Plate Update:

Many of the newly-designed specialty license plates are now available to the public.

The Embossed and Prestige (also called Vanity/Personalized) specialty plates are delayed due to a software update that is taking longer than anticipated. 

Regardless of what specialty plate type you have, WYDOT will be sending out renewal letters on a quarterly basis depending on when your current specialty plate expires. Early renewal is not an option, even with paper applications. 

Those with UW Alumni plates will be able to keep their current number, regardless of how high it is. For all other speciality plates, we are reserving many low numbers, so those individuals will be able to keep their current number.

Those planning on getting a new specialty plate for the first time may experience delays; check the individual plate pages for more information. 


Starting in 2025, the new plate design featuring the Wyoming State Flag will be on the state's 20 specialty plates, the prestige plates and the standard plates motorists receive at the county when registering their vehicles.  

Specialty License Plates

The following special license plates are processed by WYDOT in conjunction with the county treasurers' offices. Some of these plates require a county treasurer to approve them prior to submitting the application to WYDOT. In addition, some of the specialty plates require an extra fee to be remitted with the application. 


The following plates are issued through WYDOT-Motor Vehicles Services only:

Personalized Prestige Plate Online Application

Has your Specialty Plate been lost/stolen or mutilated?