
The Program’s overall performance target, as well as the mission of the Wyoming Highway Safety Behavioral Grants Program, is to reduce the State’s traffic crashes, fatalities, and injuries on the roads through leadership, innovation, facilitation, and program support in partnership with other public and private organizations.

The Wyoming Highway Safety Behavioral Grants Program strives to accomplish this mission by identifying traffic safety problems and then enabling state and community leaders to develop and conduct effective programs and activities to address them. Accomplishing this mission is dependent on developing and maintaining partnerships and working cooperatively with partners interested in achieving the same targets.

Highway Safety Plan

The FY2020 - FY2023 Highway Safety Plan (HSP) is an application for federal funding to address behavioral traffic safety issues as reguired under Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). The passage of the Infrastucture Investement and Jobs Act (IIJA) change the process of planning and appyling for funds, states are now required to do a Triennial Highway Safety Plan and complete an Annual Grant Application on a yearly basis.


FY2020      FY2021       FY2022      FY2023   


FY2024 - FY2026 Triennial Highway Safety Plan       

FY2024 Annual Grant Application (Project Descriptions)

FY2025 Annual Grant Application (Project Descriptions)

Annual Report

The Annual Report summarizes the Highway Safety Plan activities and monies spent during that fiscal year.


FY2020     FY2021     FY2022     FY2023     FY2024

Governors Council on Impaired Driving

The Governors Council on Impaired Driving follows a structured plan to reduce impaired driving and concentrates its efforts on implementing solutions that address the most pressing concerns facing Wyoming.


2010       2014       2017       2020       2024 - 2026

Seat Belt Observational Survey

The Seat Belt Observational Survey provides statistically reliable observational data on seat belt use in Wyoming.


2020      2021      2022      2023     2024


Wyoming Drivers Survey

The Wyoming Drivers Survey is used to assess many aspects of licensed Wyoming driver attitudes, opinions, knowledge, and behaviors.


2011        2013        2014        2016

Alcohol and Crime in Wyoming

The Alcohol and Crime in Wyoming report, published by the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, provides results and analysis of substance-related data. The Main and Supplemental Reports could be accessed directly here.

Additional References/Links


                                                              National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)                                                                     Governor's Council on Impaired Driving (GCID)

                                                              Uniform Procedures for State and Highway Safety Grant Programs                                                    Wyoming Seat Belt Coalition (WSBC)  

                                                              Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)                                                                                          Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) 

                                                              Traffic Safety Marketing (Media/NHTSA Communications Calendar)                                                   Injury Prevention Resources (IPR)     

                                                              Safe Kids Worldwide (National Data)                                                                                                    Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

                                                              Safe Kids Wyoming (State Data)